Street Snapper

Street Photography by Andy Hawthorne

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Over the bridge

Describing Things as They Are

Street photography is often made to sound complicated.

To me, it is straightforward.

I’m capturing simple moment of human life. And that’s it. There’s nothing more to it than that.

And you know what?

There doesn’t need to be.

However, American photographer Garry Winogrand summed up the way I feel about photography…

I like to think of photographing as a two way act of respect. Respect for the medium by letting it do what it does best, describe. And respect for the subject by describing it as it is. A photograph must be responsible to both. I photograph to see what things look like photographed. Garry Winogrand

I first read that quote some time ago.

And it struck me as being the way to think about photography.

Because street photography in particular, is often about describing what’s in front of you.